Digital Bob Archive

Cook Inlet Gold Rush Biggest So Far

News of the Gold Camp - 10/24/1980

AUGUST 29, 1896-It is estimated that fully 2,500 men have gone to Cook Inlet since the discovery of gold there. This is by far the biggest gold rush so far in Alaska.

The building of the ten stamp mill at the Jualin Mine at Berners Bay has broken all records. Work was started on June 13 with the landing of material on the beach and the stamps began crushing ore on August 20. C. H. Pearce is in charge of the work.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1896-A. C. Van Doren, cashier in the banking department at the B. M. Behrends store, left for the south on the Al-ki.

The Mint Saloon on Seward Street has changed its name to the Treadwell Beer Hall.

The Nowell Gold Mining Company has given Webster & Jorgenson a contract to build a wharf at Sheep Creek. The approach will be 370 feet long and the wharf will measure 40 by 70 feet.

A telephone line is being run to Sheep Creek to connect the Nowell mill with Juneau and Douglas.

Poles are being erected in Douglas City for the electric light service that will begin as soon as the wires can be run across the channel.

SEPTEMBER 19, 1896-The Treadwell Gold Mining Company has completed its new Westinghouse 2,000 light electric plant. The arc lights in the mill have been replaced by incandescent light.

Episcopalian services were held last Sunday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bach in Douglas.

Ellingen & Rudolph have the contract to build the Roman Catholic Church and schoolhouse on Douglas Island. Both buildings are nearing completion and are on the hillside above the tracks and midway between the sawmill and the old Bear?s Nest.

The U. S. mail for Circle City left Wednesday night aboard the steamboat Rustler in charge of Bernard H. Moran and William Ash. Moran will be missed here. He has been operating an ice business, advertising is ?By the pound, ton or berg.? He plans to remain in Circle City.

The Ebner Company is putting in a substantial dam on Gold Creek just under the tunnels of the Takou Union mine. It will replace the dam recently washed away.