Digital Bob Archive

Author Harry de Windt Visits Juneau

News of the Gold Camp - 10/20/1980

MAY 8, 1896-B. M. Behrends, Juneau merchant who has his store at Third and Seward streets, has added still a new line. This sentence has been added to his most recent advertisement: ?For the accommodation of our many customers we are doing a Banking Business.?

MAY 27, 1896-The program for Memorial day includes exercises at both the old and new cemeteries and at Decker Hall. There will be a parade from Decker Hall up Main Street to the old cemetery with music by the Juneau Brass Band. Professor S. A. Keler will deliver the oration.

JUNE 5, 1896-The work of draining and planking Third street will commence next week. C. W. Young has the contract and has sublet it to Archie Burns. The contract price is $340 per block.

The Democratic Convention has elected the following delegates to the National Convention: Louis L. Williams, Chas. D. Rogers, R. F. Lewis, James Carroll, R. D. Crittenden, George R. Tingle. Elected as alternates were A. J. Daly, Karl Koehler, John Turnball, C. A. Hart, R. G. Murphy and L. Blementhal.

JUNE 10, 1896-The Juneau Baseball Club proposed to fix up a diamond near the Gun Club and to play their first game there on July 4. They will hold a benefit dance at Decker?s Hall tonight.

Dr. J. K. Simpson returned on the steamer Queen after an absence of nearly two years and will resume the practice of medicine in his former location.

A halibut which dressed out at 240 pounds was on display at Steen?s Market on Seward Street last Saturday. It was caught by two Douglas men.

JUNE 13, 1896-B. M. Behrends will erect a new three-story store building at Third and Seward in the near future and it is reported it may be Juneau?s first brick building. The building will measure 100 feet on Third Street and 80 on Seward.

Harry de Windt, traveler and author has been visiting Juneau this week and will go to St. Michael via the Yukon River. He has engaged Joe Cooper of Juneau as guide.

Receipts from the dance given by the baseball boys at Decker?s Hall were $60.

Sixty new stamps will soon be added to the Mexican mill on Douglas Island, bringing the total to 120.