Digital Bob Archive

Many Travel to Cook Inlet Gold Diggings

News of the Gold Camp - 10/13/1980

JANUARY 25, 1896-John Curry?s house, next to the Flag of All Nations of Third Street, was greatly damaged by fire at noon on Tuesday. The firemen responded promptly but the hydrant was found to be frozen and the hose was in the same condition so it was some time before water could be put on the flames.

The Midwinter Club will celebrate Washington?s Birthday with an entertainment consisting of music, recitations and orations.

JANUARY 29, 1896-Members of the Juneau Board of Trade voted at its last meeting to ask the Alaska Commercial Company to make Juneau the eastern terminus of the westward mail steamer line instead of Sitka. The company now runs a steamer once a month from Sitka to Yakutat, Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Kodiak Island, the Alaska Peninsula, Shumagin Islands and Unalaska.

On Sheep Creek the tunnel of the Silver Queen mine is going in at a rate of 10 feet a day using a Burleigh drill powered by a gasoline engine.

FEBRUARY 1, 1896-The Alaska Improvement Company will add 10 more stamps to the Silver Queen mill at once. A crew under William Stanton yesterday started taking the last 20 stamps from the Union mill on Douglas Island. Ten of them will be taken to the Silver Queen and a Pelton wheel will be placed at the foot of the first falls below the mill to furnish power.

J. P. Jorgenson has 400 Yukon sleds on hand in anticipation of the spring rush to the Yukon. All are of the best oak.

There is now so much travel to the gold diggings of Cook Inlet that an additional boat will be placed on that run by the Alaska Commercial Company. The Bertha will join the Dora, the regular mailboat on the westward run.

FEBRUARY 5, 1896-George F. Miller and Lockie MacKinnon have announced that their new hotel on Third Street will be open by February 20. They are naming it the Circle City Hotel and board and lodging will be $1 per day.

FEBRUARY 12, 1896-Last Saturday the Bank of Juneau closed its doors and E. O. Weymouth secured a warrant charging the Harrison Bros. with having embezzled and converted to their own use the sum of $352.80 belonging to I. Lewis & Company of New York. They were arrested and released by Judge Mellen after posting a $800 bond.

Juneau is having a cold snap. This morning it was 10 below at the Mining Record Office and 11 below at the Court House.

Ezra Gibson, who has been working at the Glacier Mine on Sheep Creek with Andy Anderson, reports that a very rich vein of ore has been found in a stope above the main tunnel.

FEBRUARY 15, 1896-A. W. Corbus and some of his friends are building an electric launch on the island. It will be run by storage batteries.